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When Database Source Control Goes Bad 翻訳 Part6

Isolating your development database


Imagine that you working on a project that involves several layers of DLLs communicating with each other. Because you are in active development, you and your team are constantly making changes that affect the interfaces between those DLLs. The result in is that you continually need to check in your changes in a whole batches; you can’t just check in a few files here and there because you will be breaking the interfaces for anyone else working in that code.


The same rules must apply to the databases as well, for all of the same reasons. At any given point in time, anyone should be able to pull the code that is in source-control, build it, and run it. However, if I’m making a series of changes to my local code and the shared development database, my crazy C# changes are isolated on my local machine, but coworkers are getting my database changes as they happen, so their systems will stop working all of the sudden, and they won’t even know why, or worse yet they will know exactly why and I’ll be the guy “who busted everything up.”


Better yet, after a few days of wasting time on a bad design, I give up on it, and with one or two clicks I can undo all of my code changes and roll back to the main development code stream. However, there is no one-click rollback to the database schema, and so now those changes need to be manually backed out. Hopefully I kept a good list of the changes so I can do this without missing anything, but we all know that a few things will get missed, and now the development database becomes even more of a mutant branch of the true database schema, full of changes that nobody remember or owns, and it is all going to blow up and make us all look like fools when we are rushing to deploy it into QA next month.


This leads to one of the core rules of source code management: If you are manually keeping track of any changes, you are doing it wrong, period.

上記のような問題からソースコード管理に関する重要な法則が導かれる ー 「もし手作業で変更点を管理しているなら、すでにどこかで間違っている」以上。