give IT a try


When Database Source Control Goes Bad 翻訳 Part1

When Database Source Control Goes Bad 翻訳 Part2 - give IT a try
When Database Source Control Goes Bad 翻訳 Part3 - give IT a try
When Database Source Control Goes Bad 翻訳 Part4 - give IT a try
When Database Source Control Goes Bad 翻訳 Part5 - give IT a try
When Database Source Control Goes Bad 翻訳 Part6 - give IT a try
When Database Source Control Goes Bad 翻訳 Part7 - give IT a try
When Database Source Control Goes Bad 翻訳 Part8 - give IT a try
When Database Source Control Goes Bad 翻訳 Part9 - give IT a try

「When Database Source Control Goes Bad」という興味深いブログがあったので、ちょっと日本語に翻訳してみようと思いました。


When Database Source Control Goes Bad


It is a question every development manager dreads; “So how does your company handle database changes?”. The reply usually masks a multitude of sins against all the canons of version control. Mike has seen most of these sins and, like the ancient mariner, is keen to give you the awful warning, 'Neglect database source control at your peril'.


How should we do change-control when developing database applications? In order to prevent chaos, I believe that we need to follow these general requirements:


  • The database must be versioned, so that it is easier to tell which changes have been applied, and when they were applied.
  • データベースはバージョン付けされなければならない。これによりどんな変更が行われ、いつ適用されたのかを容易に判断できるようになる。
  • All database changes must be checked into source-control.
  • あらゆるデータベースの変更をソース管理へチェックインしなければならない。
  • Every database developer should work on their own version of the database.
  • すべての開発者は専用のデータベースを使って開発すべきだ。
  • It should be possible to tie database changes to the code changes that they affect, ideally checked into source-control as a part of the same changeset transaction.
  • データベースの変更とコードの変更を関連づけられるよう、同じタイミングでソース管理へチェックインされるべきだ。
  • The database changes should be built along with the code changes.
  • データベースの変更はコードの変更にあわせてビルドされるべきだ。
  • The database changes should be deployed along with the code changes.
  • データベースの変更はコードの変更にあわせてデプロイされるべきだ。
  • The continuous-integration server must be able to build and update its own copy of the database, so that it can run automated tests of code and scripts that are checked in at the same time.
  • 継続的マイグレーションサーバーは専用のコピーをビルドし、更新できなければならない。これにより同じタイミングでチェックインされたコードのテストを自動化できる。

You should be able to keep scripts local, with big fat lines between your environments, and handle promotion of database scripts even more thoroughly than your application code. Ensure that you can recreate any database anywhere, anytime. Clearly define your ground rules for how developers are going to merge your changes together. Lean heavily on your build server to enforce as much of this as possible, because a process that is enforced manually is a process that will never be followed.


In this article, I’ll be describing the problems that happen when these guidelines aren’t followed.


The Problem


I’m a pathological job-hopper who is sick of seeing one company after another wasting hidden hours and days on insufficient database change control strategies.


“So how does your company handle database changes?”


I’ve asked this of potential employers many times, and I usually just get blank stares, or a vague answer along the line of “uh… with scripts?” Sometimes, if they are honest, they just reply “poorly.” There’s not even an explicit Joel Test for it. Considering how bad the situation is at most companies, the real test is not whether their database change management is any good, but just whether they are willing to recognize how problematic it really is.


Given how much thought and effort goes into source-code control and change-management at many of these same companies, it is odd that so much less progress has been made on the database change management front. Many developers can give you a 15 minute explanation of their source-code strategy, why they are doing certain things and referencing books and blog posts to support their approach, but when it comes to database changes it is usually just an ad-hoc system that has evolved over time and everyone is a little bit ashamed of it. The vast majority of companies I’ve seen were not even in the ball park.


I’ve seen some companies that have had home-grown utilities that come close to a satisfactory solution, but in the end they all fell just a little bit short of what’s needed.


Some of you are probably asking, “Doesn’t Visual Studio Team System” do this? Yeah, I think so. Probably, but who knows. Honestly I tried working with it a few times, and it caused me nothing but problems. Sure, I could spend a lot of time mastering all the quirks, but I’m looking for something a little bit more accessible here. The underlying concepts are hard enough; we need an approach that simplifies it, and I just don’t think that VSTS accomplishes that. More importantly, and also along the lines of accessibility, VSTS costs a fortune, and so most developers will never have access to it, so it is no good for the other 95% of developers out there that are stuck with having to use reasonably-priced tools.

Visual Studio Team System(VSTS)は使えないのかと尋ねる読者もいるかもしれない。うん、使えると思う。たぶんね。でもどれくらいの人が使いこなせるんだろうか?私は何度か使ってみたが、私にとっては害にしかならなかった。私は長い時間をかけてVSTSの癖のある仕様をマスターしようとした。しかし、私はもうちょっと簡単に使えるツールが欲しい。VSTSのコンセプトは非常に難解だ。我々が望むのは簡単に実現可能なアプローチだ。VSTSではそれが実現されているとは思えない。簡単に使えるという点でもっと重要なことはVSTSには莫大なお金がかかりすぎるということだ。大半の開発者は触れる機会もないだろう。だから手頃な価格のツールしか使えない95%の開発者に取ってはVSTSの話をしても役に立たない。
