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When Database Source Control Goes Bad 翻訳 Part4

「The Catch」の後半部分です。記事全体からするとそろそろ折り返し地点?いやあ長いですね〜。

Anyhow, during the next deployment to QA, someone needs to remember that these specific changes need to get deployed. Since there is no defined strategy for tying database changes to code changes, every time code is deployed there is a little bit of confusion around


  • exactly which database changes need to be released
  • どのデータベース変更をリリースすべきか確信が持てない
  • which changes were already released
  • どの変更がすでにリリースされているのかわからない
  • the order the scripts need to be run in.
  • どの順番でスクリプトを実行させればいいのかわからない

Jimmy is getting upset.

Another darker possibility is that instead Jimmy needs to submit his changes to the database review board, a collection of detached idealists, college professors without the college, who will criticize every aspect of the scripts in order to justify their existence, but will not really offer any true value because they don’t understand the business problem that needs to be solved, nor do they appreciate the application considerations beyond the database that need to be satisfied.


One of the long term impacts of this is that Jimmy will look for any possible way to accomplish what he is trying to do without making database changes, because it is too much trouble. If he does indeed need to change the database, he’ll try to accomplish it just by changing stored procedures, because changing table schemas are even worse. In the end, he’s definitely not trying to find the appropriate solution to the problem; instead he backed into a situation of finding a “good-enough” solution that will just minimize his hassle, regardless of the downstream impacts.


From now on, he’ll look for any way he can accomplish it by only changing stored procedures and not changing the underlying schema. If he’s lucky (sort of), he’ll find a way that he can just kludge the stored procedures to work around the problem for now, and let it be someone else’s problem to solve later. He has long since given up trying to find the “right” solution, because it is so exhausting the current state of things is so busted up that it’s not even worth trying anymore.


Further complicating the issue, some developers and DBAs make one-off changes in the QA and production environments without going through source-control. Either they need to make an emergency fix in one of the environments and forget to go back and add the scripts to source-control, or worse they just don’t believe that databases should be under source-control at all. I’ve seen this attitude far too often from some DBAs, because they can’t stand the idea of being forced to use a source-control system managed by some other developers, just so that they can make changes to their own database. Pretty soon, every environment is a perverted branch of the one true database, and trying to identify why a test works in one environment and fails in another quickly becomes a nightmare.
